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Flagging with Mindbody Online

To utilize LenzVU’s flagging system follow these steps.

Create a liability waiver #

First, we’re going to go ahead and create a liability waiver that’ll help us capture information. Scroll down to Mindbody online integration and then select “Enable upload waiver pdf to Mindbody online profile” and select “update liability flag on client profile”. Then fill out your waiver however you like.

Don’t forget to press publish and then save once complete.

How to check if a client has not completed a waiver #

To check if a client has not completed a waiver go on to your Mindbody account and then search for the client. If they haven’t completed a waiver a pop-up like this will come up.

Once a waiver is complete their account will have a pdf of the waiver on their Mindbody profile and it’ll look like this.

Congratulations on learning how to use flagging with Lenzvu! If you’d like to learn more click here

Have any further questions? #

No problem! Our staff would be happy to assist you.