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How can I follow up with clients after they purchase a series or one-on-one package in FitDEGREE?

A group of clients just signed up with a trainer for a series and you have a large pool of clients. Do you go through an entire contact list and manually message each of them? No! With LenzVU you can isolate the clients you would like to contact based on who signed up for a training series.

Apply series filter #

First, click on add new filter

Next, in the filter toolbox click on Series / One-on-One Trainer Packages

Customize Filter #

Now that you have added the filter, customize it by selecting the options on the dropdown menu and adjusting the number input.

If you would like to add another condition to the filter group, click +Add New Filter in the same filter group. This will require clients to meet all filter conditions in the filter group in order to be added to the segment.

If you would like to add another filter group, click +Add New Group. Clients must meet either filter group to be accepted into the segment. If a client meets both filter groups, they will not be added to the segment.

Now that you’ve successfully customized the filter, press save segment.

Congratulations on learning how to segment your clients based on which series they’ve purchased! To learn more about our segment tools click here.